Geilo, Norge




Vi søker en resepsjonist som vil være en del av et inspirerende og profesjonelt miljø. Du er en lagspiller som elsker å tilby service og å oppvarte gjester. Du ser muligheter og tar de.

Du liker fjellet og kan identifisere deg med våre verdier: Ekte, lun og sporty.

Vi ønsker personer med erfaring fra bransjen, fagbrev og/eller noen års erfaring fra tilsvarende stilling. Du er godt kjent med det høye stressnivået som resepsjonist, og liker utfordringer. Du må kunne kommunisere godt skriftlig og muntlig på norsk, dansk el. svensk flytende og beherske engelsk.

Din arbeidstid vil variere mellom tidlig og senvakter.


En spennende stilling på et av Norges råeste resorter - Mulighet for personlig utvikling gjennom opplæring i en ekspansiv organisasjon - Spennende og varierte oppgaver. Vi kan være behjelpelig med bolig.

Vestlia Resort

Vestlia Resort, What do we offer, Concept

Vestlia Resort is a warm and cozy lodge hotel located in Geilo, small town situated in the heart of Norway. Our hotel is beautifully decorated and offers a relaxed atmosphere where the whole family will enjoy

themselves. At Vestlia we provide a variety of facilities for young and old, and everything from single rooms to luxury apartments in a warm and comfortable lodge style.


Our concept is oriented in exceptional service that is provided by professional and hospitable members of the hotel crew.Together with beautiful natural heritage, modern cuisine, diverse activities

and relaxing atmosphere we are trying to ensure a 5-star experience for every

guest. Our success is not measured in monthly or yearly revenue, but in the number of satisfied and loyal employees, and pleased guests that are coming back to our unique resort.


Wehave a high tendency to exceed the guest’s expectations, what we achieve by small, genuine actions such as authentic smiles, holding doors or even saying thank you. These minor things will create a real, long-term relationship with our guests.


Is Vestlia Resort is the right place for you?

Vestlia Resort is a place where we believe every individual is a part of the mechanism that pushes the pedals of Vestlia's motor. We are always thinking long-term, what enables our employees to educate, improve and achieve their own ambitions in the workplace.


Our focus and effort is on creating a healthy working environment where our hotel crew feels respected, supported, equal and a part of Vestlia team. We are aware that safe environment creates a satisfied employee who passes positive energy to the guests of our hotel.


Job and Career

Vestlia is a place of opportunities, where dreams are nurtured. We are thrilled about every new individiual joins our hotel and onboard on a remarkable journey that will redefine their professional life.


At our hotel, we believe that every role plays a vital part in creating unforgettable experiences for our guests. From the moment they step through our doors, we strive to deliver exceptional service, leaving a

lasting impression in their hearts.


Your job here is not just a means to earn a living, but an opportunity to make a difference. Each day, you will have the chance to bring smiles to the our guest and create moments of pure delight. It is in

these small gestures that the magic of hospitality truly comes alive.


Remember, a successful career is built on passion, dedication, and continuous growth. As you embark on this journey, seize every moment as a chance to learn and develop new skills. Our hotel is committed to

providing you with the necessary tools and training to enhance your abilities, enabling you to reach new heights of excellence.


Welcome to Vestlia, where passion meets purpose, and dreams turn into reality.